It’s an initiative of enterprises to welcome two wheels tourism to valorize the unique territory of Susa Valley and its 2000 years of history, among high military roads, fortifications, three alpine hills crossing to France over 800 km of dirt roads up to 3000 m with the longest ridge road of alps.
Susa Valley is a biker’s paradise for the 800 km of military roads with hairpins in a breathtaking landscape reaching the height of 3000 m.
It is the West Alps door of the famous roads of the bike tours to Moncenisio and Monginevro hill, and Colle della scala, and of less famous roads which take to old monuments like Sacra di San Michele and Novalesa abbey.
As business operators ,in particular tourism operators, we have developed this important project with the aim of strengthen Susa Valley and neighboring territories role of destination of emotional travels by motorbikes.
It’s a very important economy for our valley and we want to offer to our guests targeted and quality services to let our guests know our land and its past which has left us a very important historical and artistic heritage and nevertheless its food and wine quality products.
All together with tourism and business operators we are working to organize and develop organized travel and services dedicated to biker guests: restaurants, guided excursions technical assistance services organized in a product club.
An offer that will be marketed with promotional activities on media and web in Italy and other countries that have already a great number of travelers in our territory.
Our main target is to create a strategy and a territorial marketing that become specialized in bikers and visitors hospitality.
The project was born thanks to Turin Chamber of commerce and EX CEL RIM an enterprise of CLN group, and it develops in a start up step from 2016 to 2019 with the direction of ASCOM Susa.
The product club with operators is already started having selected accommodation facilities and assistance services which are the core. We would like in the future open the club to restaurants who want to share our quality standard.
We offer to our travelers and guests accommodation facilities well identifiable which can offer all the services they need.
The tourist wants to test the destination to earn the best from his visit.
We began to develop an organization idea of all the roads in Susa Valley, dirt or asphalted road, to create some rules which allows the right co-existence of different touristic offers on territory: motorbike tourism, cycle tourism, alpine hiking, and horse riding.
Some of our roads are inside Alpi Cozie natural park, but every mountain is a vulnerable environment that deserves attention especially when is travelled by motor vehicles.
So we ask motor tourists to respect who is a different type of tourist or resident, who walks, runs, or rides and to follow the rules and drive carefully aware of the unique heritage that we all want to maintain for history and for all that would like to discover it in the future.
We began an important dialogue with all different local authorities coordinated by Città metropolitana di Torino to start this project as soon as possible, also because the loss of public founds makes very difficult the ordinary maintenance of our roads, creating always more risks.
A joint-venture between public and private will be the right solution to guarantee the maintenance of ordinary roads management and to invest in the future on tourism promotion on our territory.
We collaborate also to maintain safety who drives on our mountain roads and to control and punish bikers who drive as they were in a racing track, that’s why we would like to study together with police and local authorities a road safety program to safeguard tourists traveling by bike or motors from all the dangers caused by those uncivilized drivers.
In June 2016 ASCOM SUSA signed with F.M.I. ( Italian motorcycling federation ) a memorandum of understanding with the same general targets of the project and its future developments.
They undertook to:
-develop and host on this territory and promote initiatives on motorcycling in different specialties, with collaborations with local Motoclubs F.m.i.
-collaborate together to the technical development of this project with a mutual exchange of know how and technical background to define strategies and organization of the highest roads together with local authorities.
-collaborate together with local institutions to draw up a road safety campaign to improve the biker image and prevent bad and dangerous actions.
-Promote mutual achievements and targets of Alps Moto tours project.